Analogue Input Configuration


  • You must be in Editor mode to configure an analogue input.

  • When a subdevice of the Analogue Input Unit (942) is set as an analogue input, it is indicated by in the Devices View.

Set Subdevice to Analogue Input Mode

  1. Click to expand the Analogue Input Unit (942) in the Devices View.

  2. Click on the subdevice that you want to set as an analogue input. Notice that all subdevices of the Analogue Input Unit are set to edge mode by default (see Edge Mode Configuration for steps on configuring this mode).

  3. If the Properties view is not already open, select View > Properties, or press F4.

  1. In the Keys section, click in the Mode field.

  2. Click , and then select Analogue Input from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click . The mode of the subdevice is now set to analogue input.


  • The first four subdevices (inputs) of the Analogue Input Unit can be configured as analogue inputs or sliders but the last four cannot be (as they are digital inputs). Also note that when you multiselect between the analogue and digital inputs of the unit, you cannot configure the input mode and the functions. You must select and configure the analogue inputs (first four subdevices) and digital inputs (last four subdevices) separately from each other.

Configure Analogue Input

Enter Input Source

  1. In the Keys section, click in the Input Source field. This field corresponds to the input source on the subdevice of the Analogue Input Unit.

  2. Enter a value in the range of 1 to 65535. (Enter 0 or press Delete to set to Not Used).

  3. Click .

Set Rising / Falling Threshold

When the signal coming into the Analogue Input Unit reaches the threshold set here (a percentage of 0–10 V), then the analogue input will use the function. For example, if the Rising Threshold field is set to 50 % and the Rising Edge function is set to Recall Scene 1, for a 10 V analogue input, when the signal rises to 5 V the analogue input will call scene 1.

  1. In the Rising Threshold field, enter a percentage value (0 % – 100 %). This is the threshold if the signal is rising.

  2. In the Falling Threshold field, enter a percentage value (0 % – 100 %). This is the threshold if the signal is falling.

  3. Click .

Assign Condition to Analogue Input

If you want the analogue input to perform the set of functions according to a certain condition, and if the condition is not met then to use an alternative set of functions (see Conditions):


  • If you choose a condition for the main set of functions of the analogue input, then an Alternative Set section appears, where you must configure an alternative set of functions to be used if the condition is not met.

  1. In the Keys section, click in the Use Main Set field. Notice that the condition is set to Always by default.

  2. Click , and then select the condition from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click .

Assign Analogue Input to Group


  • Assign the analogue input to the same group as the load /s that you want to affect.

  1. In the Main Set section, click in the Group field.

  2. Enter the group to which you want the slider to be assigned. (0 = Ungrouped).

  3. Click .

Assign Analogue Input to Scene Block

The DALI standard specifies that the subdevices in a device may be assigned only to scenes within the same scene block. This is why it is necessary to choose a scene block, rather than choose any scene in the workgroup design.


  • Assign the analogue input to the same scene block as the load/s that you want to affect.

  1. In the Main Set section, click in the Scene Block field.

  2. Enter the scene block to which you want the analogue input to be assigned.

  3. Click .

Set the Rising Edge Function

A rising edge is the term used when a signal rises. When the analogue input is rising edge triggered, it performs the function when the signal rises to the threshold level (see Set Set Rising / Falling Threshold section above), and ignores the signal when it falls to this threshold.


By default, the function is set to Recall Scene (Fixed Light). To change the function:

  1. In the Rising section, click in the Function field. Notice that the function is set to Recall Scene (Fixed Light) by default.

  2. Click , and then select the function from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click .

Scene Number

To change the scene to call:

  1. In the Rising section, click in the Scene Number field.

  2. Enter the scene that you want to call upon the button press.

  3. Click .

Fade Time

The fade time is the time it takes the channel (s) to change from one scene to another.

  1. In the Rising section, click in the Fade Time field. Notice that it is set to 2 seconds by default.

  2. Enter the fade time for the function.

  3. Click .


If you want the analogue input to perform the function according to a certain condition (see Conditions):

  1. In the Rising section, click in the Condition field. Notice that the condition is set to Always by default.

  2. Click , and then select the condition from the drop-down menu.

  3. Click .

Set the Falling Edge Function

A falling edge is the term used when a signal falls. When the analogue input is falling edge triggered, it performs the function when the signal falls to the threshold level (see Set Rising/Falling Threshold section above), and ignores the signal when it rises to this threshold.

In the Falling section, configure as above.


The analogue input is now configured and ready for use in the lighting system .


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