Scene Numbers and Blocks

There are 16 scenes in a scene block. They are defined as follows:

1 - 12

On scenes


Automatic off (called by PIR ). See PIR Configuration - Time-outs.


Transition (minimum level) scene.

15 & 16

Manual off ( button press)

Scene Numbers

Scene numbers are used to uniquely identify each scene in each group. The number of scenes is imposed by the number of groups in the Workgroup:

Scene Blocks

The DALI standard specifies that the subdevices in a device (e.g. buttons in a panel) may be assigned only to scenes within the same scene block. This is why it is necessary to choose a scene block, rather than choose any scene in the group.

Scene blocks are sets of 16 scenes, numbered sequentially from Group 1 Scene 1.1 onwards. There can be 8 scene blocks per group (the first scene in the first scene block being scene 1.1, and the last scene in the last scene block being scene 8.16).

Scene blocks provide a way to ensure that the LEDs on control panels, which are assigned to the same scene block, always correspond to the current scene selection. For example, you may have two Button 125 control panels in a room, with the scene selection buttons of both panels assigned to the same scenes in the same scene block. This means that, if you press scene selection button 1 on one of the control panels, scene selection button 1 on the other control panel also illuminates (control panels using scenes outside of this scene block are not affected).

We recommend that you confine the use of each scene block to a particular room or space, so that control panels controlling the lights in each area work together.

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