Devices View

The Devices view provides a graphical view of all items in a Workgroup.

Use the Devices view to insert or remove devices in the workgroup, and to select them for configuration.


Access the Devices view

Main drop-down menus: View > Devices
Main toolbar:
Keyboard shortcut: F11


Insert devices into a router or subnet

Make sure that Editor Mode is selected (File > Editor; or click the Editor icon on the main toolbar).

Drag a device from the Device Palette into a router or subnet in the Devices view.

Note: Select a router or subnet in the Devices view, and the Device Palette changes to show which devices are available to insert.


Devices view: key


Each item (sometimes referred to as a Node is represented by a pictogram and caption.

Cadence lines show which items belong together.


Device Alerts

If an item is disabled or a problem has been detected, a pictogram will appear beside it in the Devices view, or its icon in the Devices view will change.

The router, subnet or device in the real workgroup is missing and is therefore virtual.

Device is faulty.

Virtual device.

Lamp failure.

The item is currently being synchronised.

The item needs to be synchronised.

The router is not synchronised. To resynchronise, go offline, and then go online.

Helvar control gear sends its type name to the router. However, some older models of control gear do not support this feature, so they are shown as generic in the Devices view.

The router, subnet or device in the real workgroup is disabled.

The device is set to be called at start-up.

The device is set to be disabled at start-up.

The router is saving to flash memory.


Devices View Items


An item that has other items belonging to it. For example, a router has subnets belonging to it.


Any item, other than a subdevice that belongs to another item.

For example, the DALI subnet is a child of a DIGIDIM Router.


A child item, and all child items of this item.


An item that you can interact with, but which forms part of another item.

For more information, see Subdevice Configuration.


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