Create a Blinds Control Routing Entry


This topic explains how to create a Blinds Control Routing Entry capable of controlling the position of the blinds integrated in the lighting system. It is structured as follows:


Both routing entries allow you to control the position of your blinds in two ways:

As with all Designer routing entries, you can set Scene Conditions (so that the desired scenes are called only under certain circumstances) and set Conditions for the routing entries to occur.


 Blinds Control Routing Entry

This section describes how to create a routing entry capable of controlling the position of blinds that use:

In all cases, the required devices must be wired to the DMX port of a DMX-capable router, such as the Helvar 920 Imagine.


To create a blinds control routing entry:

  1. Go Online to your lighting system.

  2. In the Devices View, select the router to which the blinds are connected, and then note its IP address.

  3. Select the appropriate DMX subnet of the router.

  4. Select Properties from the View menu, or press F4, to display the Properties View of the selected DMX subnet.

  5. In the Properties view, under DMX Subnets, from the Mode drop-down list, select Blinds Somfy ST30, Blinds QMotion or RS485 Out as applicable.

  6. If you selected RS485 Out in the previous step, set the following serial communications properties as required: Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity, and Flow Control.

  7. If necessary, create the group(s) to which you want to assign the blinds (the ‘destination groups’). For information about how to create groups, see Groups Window. For information about the various groups involved in a blinds control routing entries, see Manual Override of Blinds Control.

  1. In the Properties view of the selected, mode, under Groups, select the groups to which you want to assign the blinds (the ‘destination groups’).

  2. Click .

  3. Select Routing Entries from the View menu, or click , to display the Routing Entries view.

  4. Right-click in the Routing Entries view, point to Insert, point to Blinds Control, and then select Blinds Control Somfy, Blinds Control QMotion, or Blinds Control RS485 as required.

    The Blinds Control routing entry appears in the Routing Entries view.

RS485 Blinds Control Routing Entry


  1. Select the Blinds Control routing entry that you have just inserted, and then select Properties from the View menu, or press F4, to display the Properties view of the routing entry.


  • This view is different depending on the type of blinds control routing entry that you are creating. The following figure shows the Properties view for a blind control Somfy routing entry.




  1. In the Properties view, under Common, in the Name text box, type a name for the new routing entry.

  2. Under Routing Entry, do the following:

    1. From the Cancel Trigger Scene Recall drop-down list, do one of the following:

    1. To apply a condition on when the blinds control routing entry must occur, select it from the Condition drop-down list.


  • The out-of-box options in the Condition drop-down list are Always and Never. For information about how to create more conditions so that they are available from this list, see Conditions.

  1. Under Routing Entry Trigger, do the following:

    1. Do one of the following to specify the trigger group:


  • The scene recalls in this group are passed through to the blinds controllers unless the routing entry is not in local control.

    1. From the Scene Block drop-down list, select the number of the scene block that will trigger the routing entry.

  1. Under Routing Entry Action/Override Group, do one of the following to specify the action/override group:


  • Scene recalls in this group modify the behaviour of the routing entry:

    • Fixed-light scene recalls in the group enable local control.

    • Constant-light scene recalls in the group disable local control.

  • This option is not available for the generic blinds control RS485 routing entry.

  1. Under Somfy Output, QMotion Output or RS485 Output, depending on the type of blinds control routing entry that you are creating, do the following:

    1. In the Transmission Router text box, type the IP address of the router that is connected to the blinds. This is the router that you selected in Step 2.
    2. If you are creating a Blinds Control Somfy routing entry, do the following:

      1. Under Destination, do one of the following:

        • To make all the blinds respond to the routing entry, select Broadcast from the Type drop-down list.

        • To make only a specific Somfy group of blinds respond to the routing entry, select Group from the Type drop-down list, and then, in the Group text box below, type the index of the relevant Somfy group of blinds.

        • To make only a specific blind respond to the routing entry, select Address from the Type drop-down list, and then, in the Address text box below, type the address of the relevant blind.

      1. Under Scene 1 Command, do one of the following to set the action that the blinds must perform when this scene is called:

        • To make the blinds move to a specific height, select Move to from the Blind Command drop-down list, and then, in the Blind Position text box, type the required percentage.


    • ‘0 %’ means ‘blind fully up’; ‘100 %’ means ‘blind fully down’.

      1. Repeat the previous step for all the required scenes.

      2. To allow manual positioning of the blinds, select Jog Up/Down under Modify Proportion.

    1. If you are creating a Blinds Control QMotion routing entry, do the following:


    • Before you can set the following options, a third party must have paired the blinds with the required QMotion Qconnect serial bridge. Each router can be connected to 15 QMotion serial bridges, each of which can use 15 RF channels.

      1. Under Destination, do one of the following:
      1. Under Scene 1 Command, do one of the following to set the action that the blinds must perform when this scene is called:

      1. Repeat the previous step for all the required scenes.

  2. If you are creating a Blinds Control RS485 routing entry, do the following:

    1. In the Transmission Router text box, type the IP address of the router that is connected to the blinds. This is the router that you selected in Step 2.
    2. In the Data Packet text box, type the command that represents the action that you want the blinds to take. Such commands are specific to the blinds that you want to control.

    3. Repeat the previous step for all the required scenes.


DALI Blinds Control Routing Entry

This section describes how to create a routing entry capable of controlling the position of blinds that use a Helvar 490 Blinds Controller.

In all cases, the Helvar 490 Blinds Controller must be wired to the DALI port of a DALI-capable router such as the Helvar 905 Imagine, the Helvar 910 Imagine, or the Helvar 920 Imagine.


To create a DALI blinds control routing entry:

  1. Go Online to your lighting system.

  2. Select the appropriate DALI subnet of the router.

  3. Select Properties from the View menu, or press F4, to display the Properties View of the selected channel.

  4. If required, in the Properties view, create the group(s) to which you want to assign the Helvar 490 Blinds Controllers (the ‘destination groups’). For information about how to create groups, see Groups Window.

  5. In the Properties view, under Groups, select the groups to which you want to assign the Helvar 490 Blinds Controller (the ‘destination groups’).

  6. Click .

  7. Select Routing Entries from the View menu, or click , to display the Routing Entries view.

  8. Right-click in the Routing Entries view, point to Insert, point to Blinds Control, and then select Blinds Control Redirect.

    The Blinds Control Redirect routing entry appears in the Routing Entries view.

RS485 Blinds Control Routing Entry

  1. Select the Blinds Control Redirect routing entry that you have just inserted, and then select Properties from the View menu, or press F4, to display the Properties view of the blinds control redirect routing entry.

Blinds Control Redirect - Properties

  1. Under Routing Entry, do the following:

    1. From the Cancel Trigger Scene Recall drop-down list, do one of the following:

    1. To apply a condition on when the blinds control redirect routing entry must occur, select it from the Condition drop-down list.


  • The out-of-box options in the Condition drop-down list are Always and Never. For information about how to create more conditions so that they are available from this list, see Conditions.

  1. Under Routing Entry Trigger, do the following:

    1. Do one of the following to specify the trigger group:


  • The scene recalls in this group are passed through to the blinds controllers unless the routing entry is not in local control.

    1. From the Scene Block drop-down list, select the number of the scene block that will trigger the routing entry.

  1. Under Routing Entry Action / Override Group, do one of the following to specify the action/override group:


  • Scene recalls in this group modify the behaviour of the routing entry:

    • Fixed-light scene recalls in the group enable local control.

    • Constant-light scene recalls in the group disable local control.

  • This option is not available for the generic blinds control RS485 routing entry.


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