information about how to create a links routing entry, also
called simply a link Instructions within a scene that, when the scene is executed, cause another scene to be executed after or instead of the scene, or cause a range of scenes to be enabled/disabled, but only after a defined delay., see
Routing Entries.
is recommended not to use Links and Redirects
together, as the consequences may be undesirable.
When scene Collection of lighting levels for each channel assigned to the same group as the scene.
recall commands are sent to a group, scene
block or scene, a link can send the
commands to another group, scene block or scene as well.
default, scene recall commands are sent to the group, scene
block or scene to which they are configured originally. You
can configure the link so that commands are not sent to this
group/scene block/scene, only the group/scene block/scene
to which the command is linked. (In the Cancel
Trigger Scene Recall field, select True).