Insert Controls or Devices


  • You must be in Editor mode to insert an item.


You can insert an item in the following ways:


Insert device(s) using the Device Palette: drag and drop

  1. Select a workgroup or subnet in the Devices View, and the device palette displays items that can be inserted.

  2. Drag and drop devices from the Device Palette to the Devices view. For more information, see Device Palette.


Insert device using the Device Palette: drag and drop

  1. Select a workgroup or subnet in the Devices View, and the device palette displays items that can be inserted.

  2. Drag and drop devices from the Device Palette to the Devices view.
    For more information, see Device Palette.


Insert Multiple Items

It is possible to insert multiple items at once using the processes discussed above by holding SHIFT on your keyboard and clicking each item you want to insert individually.

Every router, control device or control gear has default functionality so that, when it is installed, it works immediately with the lighting system. Similarly, when you insert an item into a Workgroup, it has the same default functionality. Designer allows you to insert a single item or several simultaneously (by holding down SHIFT and clicking), with options applied.



  • Insert routers at the Workgroup level and insert control devices and control gear into the subnets (DALI subnet, SDIM subnet or DMX subnet).

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