DALI Subnet Configuration



To configure a DALI subnet :

  1. Click the DALI Subnet in the Devices View.

  2. If the Properties view for the subnet is not already open, select View > Properties, or press F4.


Configure Subnet



It may be useful to name the subnet:

  1. In the Common section, type a name in the Name field.

  2. Click .

    The subnet is renamed in the Devices view.


Current Consumption

This field gives you the total current consumption (in mA) of all the devices on the subnet.


Allow Auto-Healing

Auto-healing is the process by which a newly connected device is given the same address as a device of a similar type that is missing on the system. Thus, the newly connected device replaces the missing device.

A device will typically auto heal:

Auto-healing is set per subnet.


There are three types of auto-healing:

  1. By Type

    If, when a new device is discovered, a single configured device of the same type (same class not necessarily the exact same type of device) is missing, then it will auto heal.

  2. By Short Address

    If a new device is discovered that is of the same class at the same short address of a missing device, then it will auto heal.

  3. By Long Address of Loads or Serial Number of Controls

    If a new device of the same class and long address (serial number) is discovered at a different short address, then it will auto heal.


Auto-healing is enabled by default. If you want to disable auto-healing:

  1. In the DALI Subnets section, click in the Allow Auto-Healing field.

  2. Click and select False.

  3. Click .


Auto-Healing setting for installation

During installation, it is sometimes useful to turn off auto-healing, in order to prevent items from ‘dropping out’.


Auto-Healing setting for router firmware upgrades

Before updating router firmware, it is recommended to enable auto-healing for the appropriate subnets.


  • When it is not possible to determine which device is being replaced, the new device is placed at an available address.


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