DALI Subnet


  • Both the DIGIDIM 910 and Imagine 920 Routers have two DALI subnet connectors and can therefore support two DALI subnets each.


A DALI subnet is a collection of DALI devices, all connected on one cable, which are connected to a router. Each router can support two DALI subnets.

DALI Subnet Communication

The DALI protocol is used to communicate between DALI devices on a DALI subnet. DALI device addresses are automatically set by the router system.

Up to 64 devices can be connected to each DALI subnet, provided that the power requirement of the devices does not exceed the subnet power supply limit of 250 mA. For more information, see Allocate Channels and Devices to Routers .


  • It is recommended that you use up to 63 of the available 64 addresses. This is because, when connected to a Workgroup, the DALI subnet needs at least one free address before it looks for unaddressed devices. This means that if you have more than 64 addresses on the system and then reduce the number to exactly 64, the system will still report as if it has more than 64 devices, until the router is restarted. Note: The system still behaves as expected, but just reports that there are too many devices on the subnet.

For more information about these limits and how they may affect your lighting system, contact Helvar Customer Support.

DALI Subnet Configuration

For information about how to configure a DALI subnet, see DALI Subnet Configuration.

Insert Devices on the DALI Subnet

See Insert an Item.

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