

  • You must be in Editor mode to compare items.


Compare is an automatic matching tool. This means that it attempts to match the selected items, and all child and descendant items, between the Upload Design and the real workgroup / workgroup design. If you select the Workgroups in both trees, for example, then all corresponding items in each Workgroup are matched, where possible (see picture below).



  1. Select an item in the Upload View.

  2. Select an item in the real workgroup / workgroup design tree. If the selected items can be matched, the icon is enabled.


  • Workgroups can only be matched with Workgroups; routers can only be matched with routers; and subnets can only be matched with subnets.

  • Control devices can only be matched with control devices of an identical type.

  • Control Gear (loads) have a certain amount of flexibility when matching, due to their generic nature. For example, you can match different types of ballasts, different types of dimmers and different types of relay units.

  1. To attempt to match these items and all child items, from this point forward in this branch, click .

  2. Check the device alerts beside the paired devices to ascertain if further matches need to be made, or if a problem exists in this part of the tree. Make more matches, if necessary.


  • When using the Compare tool, Designer uses a cross-matching process. It first tries to match the selected items by serial number. If this fails, then it tries to match the items by address.

  • If a pair has been matched using the Match tool, then you cannot override that match by using Compare.


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