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DMX 'Out' Device Configuration |
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Click on the DMX device in the Devices view.
If the Properties view for the item is not already open, select View > Properties, or press F4.
It is useful to name the item e.g. according to its location or purpose:
In the Common section, click in the Name field.
Enter a name for the device.
Click .
The device is renamed in the Devices view.
In the Loads section, click in Groups field.
Enter the group to be assigned to the item. If you want to assign more than one group, insert a comma after each Group number e.g. 1, 3, 7 (or enter more groups in the Groups To Append field, see below).
Click .
In the Loads section, click in Groups To Append field.
Enter the group to be assigned to the item. This will maintain the current grouping. If you want to assign more than one group, insert a comma after each Group number e.g. 1, 3, 7
Click .
This is the level or scene that the channel will go to when the router is powered on.
You can set this channel to power on to a specific scene, level, last level before failure, off, or the minimum, maximum or system fail levels.
Click in the Power On This Channel To field.
Click and
select a lighting setting for the channel to power on to.
This is the minimum level that the channel will achieve, no matter what scene is called or level is set. For example, if you set a minimum level of 50 % and call scene 4 (at 25 % level), the channel output level will be 50 %.
Click in the Min Level field.
Enter a percentage value (1-100%).
Click .
This is the maximum level that the channel will achieve, no matter what scene is called or level is set. For example, if you set a maximum level of 50 % and call scene 2 (at 75 % level), the channel output level will be 50 %.
Click in the Max Level field.
Enter a percentage value (1-100 %).
Click .
Because a DMX device does not calculate its own power consumption, the circuit power loading can be set here. Calculate the total power consumption of all the lamps connected to the device and enter this amount in this field (this will be an estimation of the total power consumption of the load ).
Click in the Circuit Power Loading field.
Enter a value in the range of 0 to 16384 W (0.25 W resolution).
Click .
The device is now configured and ready for use in the lighting system .