SDIM Load Configuration


  • You must be in Editor mode to configure control gear.

Configure Item

  1. Click on the SDIM control gear item in the Devices View.

  2. If the Properties view is not already open, select View > Properties, or press F4.



It may be useful to name the item according to its location or purpose:

  1. In the Common section, click in the Name field.

  2. Enter a name for the device .

  3. Click . The device is renamed in the Devices view.

Assign to Group

  1. Click in Groups field.

  2. Enter the group to be assigned to the item.


  • If you want to assign more than one group, insert a comma after each group number, e.g. 1, 3, 7 (or enter more groups in the Groups To Append field, see below).

  1. Click .

Groups to Append

  1. In the Loads section, click in Groups To Append field.

  2. Enter the group to be assigned to the item.

  3. This will maintain the current grouping.


  • If you want to assign more than one group, insert a comma after each group number, e.g. 1, 3, 7.

  1. Click .

Power On this Channel To

This is the level/ scene that the channel will go to when the router and/or control gear is powered on.

You can set this channel to power on to a specific scene, level, last level before fail, off, or the minimum, maximum or system fail levels.


  • A value in the range of 0–100 and ‘Last Level Before Fail’ apply when either the router or the control gear is repowered. Note that non-Helvar loads do not have the capability of repowering to 0 or ‘Last Level Before Fail’.

  • ‘Off’, ‘Minimum Level’, Maximum Level’, ‘System Fail Level’ and a scene are only used when the router is repowered.

  1. Click in the Power On This Channel To field.

  2. Click and select a lighting setting for the channel to power on to.  

  3. Click .

Minimum Level

This is the minimum level that the channel will achieve, no matter what scene is called or level is set. For example, if you set a minimum level of 50 % and call scene 4 (at 25 % level), the channel output level will be 50 %.


  • If the switch on level (see Switch On Level section below) is set higher than the minimum level, then the channel will not switch on if it goes to the minimum level.

  1. Click in the Min Level field.

  2. Enter a percentage value (1 %–100 %).

  3. Click .

Maximum Level

This is the maximum level that the channel will achieve, no matter what scene is called or level is set. For example, if you set a maximum level of 50% and call scene 2 (at 75% level), the channel output level will be 50 %.

  1. Click in the Max Level field.

  2. Enter a percentage value (1 %–100 %).

  3. Click .

Circuit Power Loading


  • This field only appears for devices that do not measure their own power consumption.

The circuit power loading can be set when a device does not calculate its own power consumption. Calculate the total power consumption of all the lamps connected to the device and enter this amount in this field (this will be an estimation of the total power consumption of the load ).

  1. Click in the Circuit Power Loading field.

  2. Enter a value in the range of 0 to 16384 W (0.25 W resolution).

  3. Click .

Circuit Power Factor


  • This field only appears for devices that measure their own power consumption.

The circuit power factor can be set when a device measures its own power consumption. The Imagine SCR Dimmer (HES9200), Sine Wave Dimmer (HES92060), Imagine Transistor Dimmer (HES92220) and Current Monitor Unit calculate their own power consumption.

The power factor of an AC electrical circuit is defined as the ratio of the real power to the apparent power.

Due to energy stored in the load (control gear) and returned to the source, or due to a non-linear load that distorts the wave shape of the current drawn from the source, the apparent power can be greater than the real power.

In an electric power system, a load with a low power factor draws more current than a load with a high power factor, for the same amount of useful power transferred. The higher currents increase the energy lost in the distribution system, and require larger wires and other equipment. Because of the costs of larger equipment and wasted energy, electrical utilities will usually charge a higher cost to industrial or commercial customers where there is a low power factor.

  1. Click in the Circuit Power Factor field.

  2. Enter a value between 0 and 2.55.

  3. Click .

Minimum Expected Power


  • This field only appears for devices that measure their own power consumption.

This field is used to flag a problem if the power consumption falls below this value, when the output level is at 100%. For example, if 1kW of mains tungsten lamps are installed on this channel, a good value for minimum expected power may be 800 W.

  1. Click in the Minimum Expected Power field.

  2. Enter a value between 0 and the maximum expected power value (which is in the range of 0 to 16383.75 W, see below).

  3. Click .

Maximum Expected Power


  • This field only appears for devices that measure their own power consumption.

This field is used to flag a problem if the power consumption rises above this value, when the output level is at 100 %. For example, if 1kW of mains tungsten lamps are installed on this channel, a good value for maximum expected power may be 1200 W.

  1. Click in the Maximum Expected Power field.

  2. Enter a value between the minimum expected power value and a value up to 16383.75 W.

  3. Click .

Enable the Load Table and Minimum Fade Time to be Set

By default, the load table and minimum fade time are set at the device. To enable the load table and minimum fade time to be set in Designer:

  1. Click in the Load Table and Minimum Fade Time Set At Device field.

  2. Click and select False.

  3. Click .

Load Table

The following table shows the load table for all products:

Old products

Current monitor unit


Transistor dimmer

Output unit

HES92000/ HES92020 SCR dimmer

Ambience 4 SCR dimmer

458 SCR dimmer

458/OPT4 options module


Table 0


Switched 0/10 Volts sink




Switched 0/10 Volts sink

Tungsten Linear

Table 1

Tungsten Linear

Analogue 1–10 Volts sink

Tungsten Linear

Tungsten Linear

Tungsten Linear

Analogue 1–10 Volts sink

Tungsten Square

Table 2

Tungsten Square

Analogue 0–10 Volts sink

Tungsten Square

Tungsten Square

Tungsten Square

Analogue 0–10 Volts sink

Tungsten S-Law

Table 3

Tungsten S-Law


Tungsten S-Law

Tungsten S-Law

Tungsten S-Law


EL-FD pulse

Table 4

El tx with lamp warm

Analogue 3.5–10 Volts

EL-FD pulse

EL-FD pulse

DALI logarithmic



Table 5

Electronic transformer

PWM switched



Old 452

DALI broadcast

Cold cathode

Table 6

Tungsten low power


Cold cathode

Cold cathode




Table 7


DSI switched





3 Wire

Table 8

El tx switched

PWM with relay delay

3 Wire

3 Wire




The load table can only be set when the Load Table and Minimum Fade Time Set At Device field is set to False (see above).

  1. Click in the Load Table field.

  2. Click , and then select a load type.

  3. Click .

Minimum Fade time


  • The minimum fade time can only be set when the Load Table and Minimum Fade Time Set At Device field is set to False (see above).

  1. Click in the Minimum Fade Time field.

  2. Click , and then select a minimum fade time from 20 milliseconds, 150 milliseconds, 500 milliseconds and 1 second. Note that the default is 1 second.

  3. Click .

Enable Override to be Set at Device

By default, override is set in Designer. To enable override to be set at the device:

  1. Click in the Override Set At Device field.

  2. Click , and then select True.

  3. Click .

Override Level


  • This level can only be set when the Override Set At Device field is set to False (see above).

  1. Click in the Override Level field.

  2. Enter a value between 1 % and 100 %.

  3. Click .

Enable Switch On and Hysteresis to be Set at Device

By default, switch on and hysteresis is set in Designer. To enable override to be set at the device:

  1. Click in the Switch On and Hysteresis Set at Device field.

  2. Click and select True.

  3. Click .


  • The Enable Switch On and Hysteresis to be Set at Device function is unavailable for certain devices . Please refer to individual product user documentation for further information.

Switch On Level


  • This level can only be set when the Switch On and Hysteresis Set at Device field is set to False (see above).

  • If the switch on level is set higher than the minimum level (see 'Minimum Level' section above), then the channel will not switch on if it goes to the minimum level.

The channel will not switch on unless it receives a command to go to or above this level. See related Hysteresis section below.

To set the switch on level:

  1. Click in the Switch On Level field.

  2. Enter a value between 2 % and 64 %, in 2 % steps.

  3. Click .



  • Hysteresis can only be set when the Switch On And Hysteresis Set At Device field is set to False (see above).

Hysteresis is used to affect the level at which the channel switches off. When hysteresis is on, the switch off level is 80 % of the switch on level. At or below the switch off level, the channel will be off. For example, if the switch on level is 50 %, and the signal rises to this level or above to turn the channel on, then if the signal falls to 40 % or below, the channel turns off.

To enable Hysteresis:

  1. Click in the Hysteresis field.

  2. Click , and then select True.

  3. Click .

Lock Settings

To lock the load table, minimum fade time, override, switch on and hysteresis settings, so that they cannot be changed at the device:

  1. Click in the Lock Settings field.

  2. Click , and then select True.

  3. Click .

Expected Device Type

You can change the type of device that is expected to be found at this address.

  1. Click in the Expected Device Type field.

  2. Click , and then select from all the valid SDIM device types.

  3. Click .

The device is now configured and ready for use in the lighting system .


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