Event Log Configuration

The Event Log creates a record of all scene recalls and modifications generated by the user or Scheduler. Event logging is supported in Live, Blind, Offline or Online mode. See Modes of Operation.

The Event Log is stored in a CSV file. This is a portable format, so the log can be viewed in other applications, such as Excel.


Configure the Event Log

  1. Click Tools / Options and scroll down to the Event Logging section.

  2. In the Log File Path field, the default location is C:\Program Files\Designer\Event Log.csv. To can change this location click in the field, highlight the text and overwrite with a new location.



  • The log file limit is 0.5 MB. When this limit is reached a new log file is started automatically, using a timestamp as the filename, until a maximum of 100 log files exist or until there is insufficient disk space to create another log file. On reaching this limit, the oldest log file is overwritten by a new log file.

  • The log file location must have at least 1 MB free space. This allows for a minimum of two log files to co-exist, and for the log file overwriting process described above to occur.


  1. In the Status field, select how the log will operate. Three modes of operation are available:


  • The default mode is 'Logging to Window Only'.


Logging Disabled

Event logging is disabled.

Logging to Window Only

Events are logged in the event log screen only.

Logging to Window and File

Events are logged in the event log screen and to the log file.


  1. Click OK to accept the changes, or Cancel to reject them.

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