Date and Times

Designer uses the PC clock to obtain the date and time, and time zone.

Therefore, Designer’s efficacy with regard to time-dependent routing entries depends on the accuracy of the PC clock. Make sure that your PC clock is set correctly.

Date Notation

Designer uses dd-Mmm-yyyy notation, representing the day using two digits (dd), the month as three letters (Mmm), the year as four digits (yyyy), and using a hyphen (-) as a separator. For example, 09-Nov-2008 is the ninth day of November in 2008, and 12-Jul-2015 is the twelfth day of July in 2015.

Time Notation

Designer uses 24-hour, notation for time, representing hours (hh), minutes (mm), seconds (ss), and using a colon (:) as a separator. This notation also includes tenths and hundredths of seconds (th), where appropriate.

In 24-hour notation, the 24 hours of a day are numbered from 0 to 23. This means that the midnight hour is 0 (zero), midday is 12, and 9 o'clock at night is 21. For example, 00:00:00 is midnight, 23:59:59 is one second before midnight,  08:00:00 is eight o'clock in the morning, 00:00:00.20 is two tenths of a second (200 milliseconds) after midnight.

Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk: considerations for Designer

Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times depend on your location, the date and daylight savings.

These times are approximate, as they are affected by atmospheric conditions and refraction. Typical variation is a few minutes at the point of sunset and sunrise.

Designer can determine the sunrise and sunset times for the current date, using the latitude and longitude values provided to it.


Note for Designer use with lighting systems on ships:

  • We recommend that you do not use time settings relative to sunrise and sunset if the ship is likely to travel between time zones.

Sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk: definitions used in Designer


The time at which the entire solar disk is visible above the horizon from the router’s current location (see Latitude and Longitude).


The time at which the entire solar disk has just dropped below the horizon visible from the router’s current location (see Latitude and Longitude).


The time at which the sky starts to brighten. Typically, 30 minutes before sunrise.


The time at which the sky finishes darkening. Typically 30 minutes after sunset.

The offset property of a schedule that is using sunrise or sunset times can be used to approximate dawn and dusk times.

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