Routers View Does Not Show Any Routers
  1. Make sure that the routers have a power supply connected and are switched on.

  2. Check the network connections for each router and network switch, and for your computer.

  3. Make sure that the IP address, subnet mask and/or gateway settings of your computer are compatible with the routers. For more information, see Router Configuration, Client Computer Configuration, and Network Address Format.

  4. Connect your computer directly to a single router.


    • This is the simplest way to connect to a router. In addition, it will allow you to configure the router (and every other router in turn) even if the network has problems.

  1. If a firewall is in use, make sure that it is configured to allow Designer to communicate freely with the lighting system.


    • Designer requires access to port 60000. If your computer is connected to the lighting system via a computer network, the network server may also be using a firewall that you may need configure so that Designer can communicate freely with the lighting system. For more information, see Firewall.

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