Intensity View

Use the Intensity view to set the intensity (‘level’ or ‘output level’) of a colour device.

The intensity setting is the same as the ‘level’ setting in the scene table and elsewhere in DALI properties.  You can adjust the levels of non-colour (and colour) devices using the Scene Table or Channel Graph.

Access the Intensity view

When a colour device is selected (in the Devices view, the Groups view, or the Scene Table view, for example), access the Intensity view using:

Main drop-down menus: View > Intensity
Main toolbar:
Window tabs:

The Intensity tab may be available at the side of the Scene Table or Channel Graph view.

Adjust the intensity

Use one of these methods to adjust the intensity (level) of the scene:

Palette [details]

Select one of the predefined intensity swatches, or create your own intensity swatch. Click OK in the Scene Table to apply the change.

Intensity slider [details]

Move the cursor to pick an Intensity level. Click OK in the Scene Table to apply the change.

Level % [details]

Type in the scenes intensity.

Note: As you adjust the intensity, the following linked items all change:

- Position of the cursor

- Level % value

- Scene Table level value

Changing the intensity level will not affect the Colour value or Colour Temperature value.

Intensity view: Key and Functions

Use one of these methods to adjust the intensity for the scene:



Select a swatch in the palette to pick an intensity level (then click OK in the Scene Table)

The palette contains predefined intensity levels (output levels) swatches and custom intensity levels swatches.

Predefined intensity swatches

The predefined intensity swatches are 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80, 90 and 100.

You cannot delete or adjust a predefined swatch.

To move a swatch up or down the palette click the UP or DOWN controls (up and down arrows above the palette).

Custom (user-defined) intensity swatches

You can create custom intensity swatches and save them in the palette.

These custom intensity levels are saved when you save a workgroup design.

To create a custom swatch select an intensity level using the slider, or by typing in the Level %, and click the '+' control above the palette. The new swatch appears in the palette.

To delete a custom swatch select a custom swatch in the palette, and click the '-' above the palette.

To move a swatch up or down the palette click the UP or DOWN controls (up and down arrows above the palette).

To rename a custom swatch select the swatch name and click once (or press F2), type the new name and press Enter.


Click and drag the cursor to pick an intensity level. You can also use the mouse wheel, and the cursor keys. Click OK in the Scene Table to apply the change.

Level %

Type in the level value (0.0 % to 100.0 %). Click OK in the Scene Table to apply the change.

The Level % value always displays the decimal point and one trailing digit. In the Scene Table, use the toolbar icon



If ignore is selected, and this scene is recalled, the level of the lamp will not change.

An asterisk ( * ) will be displayed on the right of the currently selected scene/channel cell.

Last Level

Selecting 'Last Level' means that the device after power on will return to its previous level prior to powering down.

If 'Last Level' is selected, the value of the level in the Scene Table cell is shown as a capital 'L'.

Note: a crossed-out box ( ) displayed on the left of the cell means the colour and colour temperature settings are is set to 'ignore'.


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